Saturday, October 13, 2012

An Apple a Day... #19 - 24 (Reformat)

An Apple a Day... #19 - 24 (Roughs)

Original Text From Posting of An Apple a Day...19, August 5, 2010:
"If I keep making comics loosely based around Twilight, people may begin to think I'm a fan.

I'm not.

But I feel that this new obsession amongst young people today has to be commented on in some way just like Harry Potter, Star Wars and a myriad of other things before it. (That's not say it hasn't been commented on, at great length, already. I'm just fashionably late to the party.)

This is my commentary. Stupid comics that entertain me as I draw them."
Original Text From Posting of An Apple a Day...#24, August 5, 2010:
"Before this silly series of event concludes, I feel I must apologize about my poor excuse for legible handwriting. It's terrible, I know. It got pretty bad in some areas and I tried my best to clean up the truly illegible spots. Also, the drawings, overall, took a noticeable decline. However, I feel that lends this particular series of strips a certain character. All of the pages are scanned from a sketchbook and the drawings and crappy handwriting reflect this. For whatever reason, I think it works out alright in this instance.

Also, it's important to note that these six comic parts are still rough sketches. They will be cleaned up and made sensible soon.

Okay. Now, onward to the end."

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